Our Retirees . . .

GCHS Robnie's Pumped Up Kix, DN, DJ
AKC National Owner Handled Series Gold Level Achievement
(BISS CH Elhid's Average Joe x CH Robnie's Shoo-In, JH)
January 7, 2013 - September 3, 2023
Prada is that "once in a lifetime" dog, the heart of Brookhaven. She came to us from Robnie Labradors, she was out of their beautiful girl Sneakers. When Robnie offered us the opportunity to co-breed Sneakers with them we knew we hit the Labrador lottery. This little girl lived up to all expectations and beyond. To the late Bonnie Anthony at Robnie Labradors....thanks for making our dreams come true! Prada was an AKC silver grand champion and the #1 owner handled Labrador in the country for 2015. She capped off 2015 by taking Best of Breed at the Eukanuba National Owner Handled Series in Orlando, FL.. Prada left behind quite a legacy. Her daughter Sloane has followed in her footsteps and Sloane has given us two Prada granddaughters that are already amazing us in the show ring. Rest in peace my love, we will be together again one day.

Bianca of Blackamoor
(Ballyeaston of Blackamoor x Blackamoor's Gwenyth Hill)
August 2004 - March 2018
Bianca was a direct descendant of Sandyland Labradors and is the mother of our Camry. Although we missed her terribly, Bianca retired to her dream life with Nichole, human sister Bianca and human brother Luca in New Jersey; due to obvious reasons, her name was changed to Binky. We are so thankful that Nichole made sure we remained a part of her life. Binky loved her life chasing balls as an only child but was very happy when her granddaughter London came to life with her. We miss you old girl and hope you have all the calorie free cookies you could wish for.

Brookhaven Charlie's Par for the Course
(Ch Brooklands Victory March x Brooklands Strawberry Blonde)
January 2004 - May 2018
Charlie was from our first litter and was the resident security guard. He was neutered and loved playing ball, chasing deer and marking all our trees on a daily basis. Run free my dear boy, play with your mother and know that you are truly missed and deeply loved.

Brookhaven's Yellow Brick Rd
of Lighthouse, RN
(BISS/BIS Ch Surry's Brick in the Wall x Pinehaven's Marsha Mellow)
March 2005 - June 2019
Emma was commonly referred to as "Ms. Wiggles" in our house. She was a happy go-lucky girl with all the characteristics of what a Labrador should be. As a reward for being our loving companion, obedience girl and influential mama; Emma retired to Ohio to live her life with her daughter Brookhaven's Laughing Out Loud Always, Lola. Emma reigned over "her lake" with her loving parents Dominique and Aaron until it was her turn to cross the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you terribly Miss Emmy.

Brookhaven Brookland
English Rose, RN, CGC, TDInc
(Waterfoot Brookland's Chase x Brooklands Hoochi Coochi Charro)
October 2005 - February 2020
Rose was "the good one". She was a beautiful girl with a gentle temperament and could steal things right out from under you, you would never know they were missing. Rose began her show career in the fall of 2007, but was more active with 4H, Rally & Obedience. Rose was AKC championship pointed, a Canine Good Citizen and she held a Rally Novice title. Rose earned her Therapy Dog title through Therapy Dog Inc in March of 2009. Rose retired from our breeding program after giving us a lovely daughter, Samantha. Rose lived in Stafford VA with her Mom Bonnie, her brother Ethan and canine sister Maggie. She is terribly missed but we're sure she is happy at the Rainbow Bridge stealing everyone's pillows.

GCH Brookhaven Kix the Dust Up
(CH Stoneleigh's Into Mischief, TKN x GCHS Robnie's Pumped Up Kix, DN, DJ)
Sloane is our pick girl from Prada's second litter. She is from what we hoped would be our dream litter and the litter did not disappoint. Fate must have plans for this litter as the Sire, Dam and Litter were all born on January 7th! Sloane continues to win in the show ring even after a 2 year hiatus due to Covid. She has 13 points towards her AKC championship, to include the three major wins. Sloane was designated as an AKC Puppy of Achievement. Sloane was Best of Breed at the Raleigh Durham Labrador Retriever Club Specialty 4 to 6 Month Puppy Show in 2019. Sloane has done it and retired. She is living the life of luxry in Maryland with her new parents Ben & Cindy.

Brookland's Mocha Grande at
Brookhaven, WC, RN
(Brooklands Charlie Brown x Brooklands K.D. of Daycamp)
May 2006 - June 2016
Mocha was the resident "DADDY'S GIRL"! She was the first chocolate at Brookhaven and very much belonged to her Dad. Mocha was a tennis ball babe and could hold three balls in her mouth at one time. Mocha was spayed and was not in our breeding program; however, she had a strong hold of our hearts which still remains in place today. She had an extremely strong retrieving drive and loved practicing with Dad to compete for her Junior Hunter title, unfortunately her excitement could not be contained; her barking and reluctance to give her Dad her duck prevented a JH from becoming reality. We guess you could say she really did "give her dad the bird". In addition to earning a Working Certificate (WC) Mocha and her Dad earned their Rally-Obedience Novice title! We lost Mocha to spleen and lung cancer, the pain of losing her stings deeply. Run free Mocha, be nice to the ducks and share your tennis balls with the other dogs!

BOSS Am/Can CH Canvasback's Got It
Goin' on at Brookhaven, RN
(BOSS Ch Bronco's Big Snowstorm x Ch Lighthouse Witch of Canvasback)
August 2006 - August 2019
Mercy was affectionately referred to as the American Idol. Mercy was very active in the show ring and at just 20 months of age earned the coveted title of AKC Champion becoming our first champion. She was a delightful little
clown who had some impressive accomplishments under her belt at a very young age. After completing her AKC championship she went on to earn a Rally Novice title just 4 weeks later, following that up with a Canadian championship. We were beyond excited when Mercy was awareded Best of Opposite Sex in Specialty at the Raleigh Durham Labrador Retriever Club Specialty in November of 2008. Mercy spent a few years with my good friend Meg before returning here to spend her golden years with us. Farewell my "Mercy Me", you were many "firsts" for me and I treasure you and miss you every day. You have forever earned your space on our "Wall of Fame"!

Robnie's Laces n' Legacies, WC
(CH Tabathas Drifter at Dickendall, JH x SR BISS CH Sunspot Lace Em Up, JH, WC)\
2008 - June 2022
Sequel is a gorgeous girl out of two very influential Labradors from separate decades. Her dam Lacey was the #1 Labrador of 2006 and she finished the year with the most all-breed points ever earned by a Labrador. Her sire Drifter was a very influential stud of the 1990's and along with his father and brothers, has helped to shape what would become the Labradors of today. Sequel used to impatiently watch Mocha retrieve the bird and one day just broke free and got to the bird first. After that Sequel and Mocha were best buddies and were happiest in the field. Sequel retired to Fredericksburg with her new mom, dad, two brothers, cousin Biscuit (a Jack Russell) and her son Oliver in Fredericksburg. She jogs with her Dad and is loving life in general being the top dog of the house.

Brookhaven's Bewitched n' Bedazzled
(BPISS Fenwyck's Never Again x Brookhaven English Rose, RN, CGC, TDInc)
2010 - 2021
Samantha is our pick of the litter from Rose's first litter and is named after our veterinarian (#BestVetEver). Samantha is a combination of her mother's brains & beauty with her father's conformation. Her father earned Best Puppy in Sweepstakes at a National Specialty. She is the granddaughter of two Westminster Best of Breed Winners (CH Lubberline Martingal 2004 & CH Fenwyck's Dark Crystal). Samantha was AKC championship pointed and retired after providing us with a beautiful girl to carry on, Brookhaven's Liberty Belle'Dazzled (Libby). Sam was our resident table climber and all-around fun troublemaker Samantha is the only child of a wonderful couple. Samantha, we hope you're behaving yourself.

GCHS Robnie's the Shoo Must Go On, DJ
(BISS CH Elhid's Average Joe x CH Robnie's Shoo-In, JH, WC)
January 7, 2013 - December 17, 2023
Slippers' was Bonnie's half of the Dynamic Duo. While we co-bred & co-own Slippers with Bonnie at Robnie, she was born at Robnie and lived with Bonnie. She was Bonnie's pick of the litter and, boy, did Bonnie know how to pick them. Slippers earned her conformation championship at 10 months of age with 17 points, 4 majors and 2 Best of Breed wins! She followed that up by earning her Grand Championship at 12 months of age and was ranked as the #15 Lab in the country for 2014, all before she turned two years old. I will always be grateful (and forever in her debt) to Bonnie Anthony, mentor and friend, for allowing us to co-breed this spectacular litter with her!! Tragically Bonnie passed away in August of 2015. This left a gaping whole in our hearts and she is sorely missed everyday. Slippers' residence was with Bonnie's husband, Robert Anthony from August 2015 until the end of April 2016. Downsizing to a condo, Robert placed Slippers' care in our hands. We are sure that Bonnie was smiling down on Slippers as she watched Slippers add Dock Diving Junior to her list of titles. Slippers had to one up her sister (Prada) and skip the novice title and go directly to Junior by continually jumping more than 10 feet with a personal best of 12 ft 9 inches! When it came time for Slippers to retire we knew she would be happier where she would not to have to share the attention. Unbeknowingly to Bonnie, she chose Slippers' retirement home. Slippers has been retired and resides with Dr. & Mrs. Finder and her litter sister Charlotte in Maryland. We miss Slippers everyday but are very thankful that the Finders make sure to maintain contact. We love hearing about Slippers' new life.

CH Robnie's Malibu Stacy
(CH Devonshire Huckleberry Finn x GCHS Robnie's the Shoo Must Go On)
Stacy was from a planned breeding by our mentor and wonderful friend Bonnie at Robnie Labradors.
Her mother, Slippers, is Bonnie's half of the sister Act. Tragically, Bonnie passed away before this litter became
reality. As we co-owned Slippers with Bonnie & Robert, the task fell to us to continue on this spectacular line. Thank you to the AKC for allowing us to keep Bonnie on as the primary breeder. Slippers welcomed her litter of9 puppies just 3 months after Bonnie's passing. Stacy is a little imp; a sweet, loving clown with a beautiful, innocent face;hence her nickname "Face". Seeing how special Stacy was, our dear friends Dominique and Aaron asked if they could have Stacy when she retired. They may have been thankful to get her, but they have become so close to us that we were the thankful ones. Prior to retiring we added Dominque on as co-owner so Stacy would become Dominque's first AKC champion. Prior to Stacy's retirement, we visited Dominique and Aaron on a few occasions. Stacy loved these visits and we fondly referred to their home as the "fun" house. Stacy retired in early 2020 and upon arrival at her permanent residence knew exactly where she was, ran in the door, through the kitchen and straight to the toy box. Stacy loves her "fun" house and her "lake" house. Even though Stacy resides with them, we are proud to maintain AKC co-ownership with Dominique and Aaron. As promised Stacy, you are now the "Queen of the Lake" and while we miss you so very, very much - we know there is no better place on earth for you to be.

CH Brookhaven Hart's Desire
(Multi BISS/BIS Am & Can CH Casbar's Hart to Hart x Bianca of Blackamoor)
March 28, 2009 - August 10, 2022
Camry is our pick from Bianca's last (and final) litter. We finally had that beautiful little black girl we had always wanted. Her sire, RJ, was the #1 Lab, the #3 Sporting Dog, and the #13 Dog in the Country for 2009! RJ has 17 BEST IN SHOW wins. Camry is a little pistol who brings to the table the best of her mother and father. She is known for her happy tail which never, and we mean never, stops wagging. Camry did her job - she achieved her AKC Conformation
Championship, becoming our first home-bred, home-raised champion. Camry provided us a wondrful heir to her throne, her daughter London (Brookhaven's Special Destination). Camry makes her home in New Jersey with her two small humans. She takes her child protection job seriously and is always looking after them. We are so thankful to Nicole and her family for the wonderful life they have given our Camrykins and for bringing her to see us when we desperately need her hugs.

Brookhaven's Liberty Belle'Dazzled
(GCH Robnie's Two Thumbs Up at Moonlit x Brookhaven's Bewitched n' Bedazzled)
Libby will forever be known as the one that got away. The show pick from Samantha's first litter who was placed as a companion dog. Fortunately for us, her family (especially her mama Meg) loved the idea of Libby becoming a show dog and has graciously agreed to co-own her with us so we can show her as our Bred-By girl. While Libby aged beautifully and gracefully she found the show ring a dull place, however, due to her wonderful type, beautiful head, gorgeous coat and a playful attitude, we knew her line must be carried on. Libby took a break from her life to come here to raise a beautiful litter and then return home to her loving home and long-term housemate Mercy. Libby has since moved to Houston but her family stays in constant contact keeping us abreast of her adventures.

Brookhaven's Special Destination
(BISS CH Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In x CH Brookhaven Hart's Desire)
London was our pick from Camry's second litter. She was the only yellow out of a litter of 6 puppies. We were desperately hoping for a beautiful little black girl just like her mother, but, London would not be denied. While the show ring was not for her London (aka London pants) became the household comic relief and all around cuddlebug. Her beauty was star quality but her temperament was something that dreams were made of. It was very hard to retire this sweet girl but, as she reminds us so much of her grandmother Bianca of Blackamoor, it is fitting that in her retirement she went to live with Nicole, humans Bianca and Luca, and with her grandmother Binky! London provided her gramma companionship in her twilight years and after Binky passed to the Rainbow Bridge, London's daughter Paris went to be a companion for her mother. We miss you girlie but so thankful you're with Nichole and she makes sure you are still a part of our family.

Harbor Run n' Russford's
Spy Who Loved Me
(Aster Liberti Labro Hamburg Russian Import x Harbor Run's Queen Beach, RN, CGC)
Chocolate - we finally took the leap! Thank you to the Von Hagn Family at Russford Labradors for this special little girl. As a pup, Anya was a mischievous little stinkerbelle. She has blossomed as an adult and has all the hallmark traits of a spectacular Labrador - head, coat, tail and temperament. This girl has an abundance of substance and a personality that won't quit. Thank you Catherine for giving us such a great start down our chocolate path. Anya was enjoying her time in the ring when Covid hit. She then discovered what a joy motherhood is. Anya loves being a mother and gave us a beautiful daughter, Mystic. When our dear friends Aaron and Dominique were looking to add to their family we jumped at the chance to retire Anya with them and her best bud Stacy. Anya now lives in Ohio at the fun house with Dominique, Aaron and Stacy. She will soon learn to ride in a boat and we highly suspect she'll be water skiing in no time. She will have to share the title of "Queen of the Lake" with Stacy. Having Anya with Stacy in Ohio will give us the chance to keep them a part of our lives.

Brookhaven's Queen of the Realm
(CH. Brookhaven's to the Moon and Back x GCH Brookhaven Kix the Dust Up)
Khaleesi is from our first litter with Sloane. We were hoping for a beautiful black girl and Khaleesi did not disappoint. Due to inclement weather the choice of sire for this breeding had to be changed to our Apollo and we are very pleased with the results. Khaleesi is a tad too smart for her own good and definitely makes her own mischief. She reminds us of her great grandmother CH. Brookhaven Hart's Desire (Camry) in both appearance and attitude. Her tail never stops wagging and a stick will also be something she treasures. Due to complications, Khaleesi had one litter and then had to be spayed. This made her ineligible for AKC Conformation. Khaleesi retired to Iowa to reside with her new mom Sandy and her half brother Griffin. We will miss her dearly but am excited to see what the future holds for her..

Brookhaven's Into the Mystic
(Annual's He's My Man x Russford n Harbor Run's Spy Who Loved Me)
Mystic was from our pick girl from Anya's second litter. She is from the very first chocolate litter born at Brookhaven and we were very pleased. Her sire is a Swedish import. Mystic takes the best from both parents with a very sweet and calm disposition. Unfortunately Mystic was unable to produce any heirs to her legacy and she has retired to her forever home with Nicole in NJ.